The Physio Studio leads the forefront of the industry, hosting Singapore’s esteemed podiatrists. We address your concerns and propose suitable treatments to get you back on your feet in no time!
If you are experiencing difficulty walking or your foot is hurting for an extended period of time, then it is time to head to The Physio Studio.

Common Foot And Ankle Problems
Here are common foot and ankle conditions that may be treated at The Physio Studio:
1. Bunions​
A bunion is a bulge on the side of the big toe. Bunions cause your big toe to lean towards the second toe. This is a bone anomaly that can develop over time. Bunions can affect people with abnormal bone structure, flat feet, or overly flexible ligaments. Bunions are initially harmless, but over time, they can worsen and cause pain and discomfort.
2. Ankle Sprain​
A sprained ankle occurs when the ankle's ligaments are stretched beyond their capacity. It occurs when you roll, flip, or twist your ankle in an unusual manner, most frequently as a result of a fall or accident.

3. Arthritis
Arthritis makes your joints swollen and uncomfortable. The ankle joint's cartilage, which serves as a stress absorber, degenerates and becomes injured. You may experience ankle pain while walking or performing weight-bearing activities. You may experience joint stiffness, particularly after a prolonged rest.
4. Fracture
Fracture occurs when a bone is shattered due to trauma. Foot and ankle fractures occur when any of the foot or ankle bones is fractured. It could be a tiny crack in the bone or a serious fracture with the bone protruding.
5. Deformities
When the muscles and bones in your feet and ankles are not properly positioned, abnormalities develop. This issue might be present at birth or as a result of an accident. Walking with ankle and foot abnormalities can be painful and uncomfortable.

6. Cartilage injury
Cartilage in your ankle promotes smooth movement and absorbs shocks. Trauma or a fall could break the underlying bone, resulting in this condition. If you are experiencing ongoing discomfort following a substantial ankle sprain, you may have an ankle cartilage injury.
7. Achilles tendon injury​
The achilles tendon is a powerful muscle and fibrous cord located in the rear of your lower leg. It connects your calf to your heel and facilitates walking, sprinting, and jumping. An achilles tendon injury is the term used by specialists to describe any damage to the achilles tendon.
8. Toe deformities
Hammer toe, mallet toe, and claw toe toes are toe disorders. An imbalance in muscles, tendons, or ligaments can cause toe deformities. It is possible for toe deformities to occur due to an injury, infection, arthritis, or even the type of shoes you wear.

Consulting a Foot and Ankle Specialist Singapore
You may feel pain and discomfort in your ankles and feet after a hard day's work or as a result of an accident. Usually, the pain and discomfort subside with rest and medication. If your pain and suffering persist after resting, there may be an underlying cause and you should contact a specialist as soon as possible
If you experience one or more of the following conditions, consult our specialist.
​Changes in the appearance of your foot and ankle.
Changes in the range of motion of your ankle.
Tingling and numbness in your ankle and foot.

Why Choose Us?
The Physio Studio offers:
Lesser waiting time to highly qualified and experienced foot and ankle specialist Singapore.
Access to the latest physiotherapy treatments.
Professional receptionist providing exceptional customer service.
In-house or Out-call physiotherapy treatment available only at Physio Studio
Wait no longer! Book an appointment to consult our qualified and experienced specialists at The Physio Studio.